
Allyn is committed to ensuring the sustainability of our environment and has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint.  Recycling programs have been implemented at Allyn offices.  In addition, motion-sensors that turn off power automatically in unused areas and energy saving devices have been installed at Allyn facilities to reduce electricity use.  Other high electrical output systems, such as air conditioning and printers, are turned off during weekends and holidays.  Allyn also works with our clients to formulate lean supply chain strategies, which help reduce inefficiency and waste that can contribute to carbon emissions.

In January of 2013, Allyn completed a Solar Energy project which was a Commercial Photovoltaic System on the roof of the corporate headquarters at 13391 McGregor Blvd in Fort Myers, FL.  The system contains 109 solar modules rated at 240W each, for a total of 26,160W, or 26.16kW. It is estimated to produce up to 50,607kWh of electricity annually to offset their energy usage.

In the Fort Myers, Florida regional headquarters, the building is equipped with hurricane proof impact windows and a generator.  In the event of a hurricane, team members along with their families and pets are welcomed to stay at the building if their location is not safe or if they lose power.  The fortification of the building and a well rehearsed disaster recovery plan enables Allyn to avoid service disruptions that can be commonplace during US hurricane season.


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