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CBP Proposes New Automated Exam, April 2017

On September 14, 2016 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register to Modernize the Customs Broker Exam [Docket No. USCBP-2016-0059].  The plan included computer automatization of the test, an increase in the examination fee, as well as a date change.


CBP proposed administering the test electronically on preprogrammed computers without web access. The tests will be administered by professional proctors and held at private testing facilities. Test takers will only be allowed to access materials allowed to be brought into the examination as listed on  CBP proposed that automatization will allow for quicker turnaround of test scores while lessening the administrative responsibilities of CBP staff.

Increased Examination Fee

CBP proposed an increase in the CPB broker’s examination fee from $200 to $390 to fully cover expenses of administering the test. CBP cited results of a fee study entitled “Customs Broker License Examination Fee Study” in which it was reported that the examination fee has remained at $200 since 2000.

Date Change

CBP proposed changing test dates from the first Monday in April and October to the fourth Monday in April and October. The date change will allow for more time between the start of the fiscal year and the October exam.

Public Participation is allowed on this Proposed Rule. Comments must be received on or before November 14th, 2016 and can be made by referencing the docket number either through Mail or the Federal rulemaking portal. 


Allyn Contributor: Danielle Brazil Hudson


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